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What to do if you’ve been deferred 

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What to Do If You’ve Been Deferred: A Guide for College Applicants

Receiving a deferral can be a difficult and confusing experience, but it’s important to remember that it is not a rejection. Many students who are deferred go on to receive acceptances later in the admissions cycle. So, if you’ve been deferred, what should you do next?

1. Stay Calm and Understand the Situation

A deferral means the college has postponed making a final decision about your application until later in the admissions process, typically after seeing more applicants’ decisions. While this can feel like a rejection, it’s simply a request for more information or time before making their final decision. The key takeaway here is that the college still sees potential in your application, which is why they’ve deferred you rather than outright rejected you.

2. Review Your Application

Take some time to assess your application and see if there are any areas that can be strengthened. Reflect on the essay prompts, your extracurricular activities, and your recommendation letters. Were there any weaknesses or areas that you could improve or clarify? Being deferred doesn’t mean your application was lacking, but it might give you the opportunity to present yourself in a stronger light if you choose to submit additional materials.

3. Update Your Application with New Information

If you’ve taken on new accomplishments or had significant achievements since submitting your application, consider sending this updated information to the admissions office. You may want to provide additional academic achievements, recent awards, or any new projects you’ve completed. Be sure to update your grades and any activities that might demonstrate your growth or commitment since applying.

4. Consider Submitting a Letter of Continued Interest

Many colleges encourage deferred students to submit a “Letter of Continued Interest” (LOCI). This letter serves as a way to reaffirm your enthusiasm for the school. In your LOCI, express your continued interest in the institution and update them on any recent achievements or developments that weren’t included in your original application. Be sure to explain why you are still excited about the college and how you would contribute to their community. Keep it professional, concise, and focused on your dedication to attending if offered admission.

5. Reach Out to Admissions for Clarification

If you’re unclear about how to proceed, or if the college doesn’t explicitly state what you should do in the deferral letter, it’s perfectly okay to reach out to the admissions office. Ask for clarification on whether you can submit additional materials, if there is anything specific they want to see, or if there are other steps you can take to increase your chances.

6. Continue to Strengthen Your Application

While awaiting the final decision, continue to show your academic abilities and personal development. Keep up with your schoolwork, challenge yourself with additional coursework, and stay involved in extracurricular activities. Colleges want to see that you’re continuing to grow as a student and individual even after submitting your application.

7. Maintain a Positive Outlook

A deferral can be disheartening, but it’s important to stay positive. Remember, many students who are deferred are ultimately accepted. Don’t let the deferral be a setback. Keep working hard and don’t lose sight of the long-term goal: attending a college that fits you and where you can thrive.

Being deferred doesn’t mean the end of the road; it’s just a detour. Stay proactive, focused, and positive. At JumpStart Your Future, we offer guidance and strategies to help you navigate this part of the admissions process. Contact us for support in crafting your Letter of Continued Interest or strengthening your application for the final round of decisions.

Jessica Azout
JumpStart Your Future

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